What is a logo? A logo is more than an interesting design that incorporates your brand or company name. It is the first, foremost and most recognizable part of your company’s identity. That is why it is so important to create a logo design that represents you in the best way possible. And once your company determines what its logo design will be, you want to stay consistent. That’s why it’s important your logo is done right from the very beginning. San Diego graphic design and branding company Lien Design understands the importance of creating a great logo that will ensure your company has a relatable and unique identity.
A good logo design needs to be appropriate, relevant and distinctive. It needs to stand out while also conveying a sort of message behind its design. It should be effective regardless of the size or color in which it is being displayed. This relies on a great concept and execution.
When thinking about modern logo design, you there are a few basic rules you want to keep in mind:
Keep it simple:
A simple design will make it versatile, memorable and recognizable. Avoid overdrawing. Think in terms of someone who is zipping by a logo at fast speeds. A simple logo is far more likely to stay embedded in the mind in these circumstances.
Once a logo is designed, you want to be able to keep it consistent so your company will be identifiable as years goes by. You want it to stand up to the test of time. To do this, avoid anything too trendy that may look dated in a few years.
If a logo is versatile, it will ensure its ability to be used in a variety of media, in different sizes and colors. To determine this, it is best to create a logo in black and white. That way you can see if it will work in its simplest form. Then familiarize yourself with the commercial printing process to make sure you don’t encounter any problems down the line when trying to modify your logo.
An appropriate logo does not have to necessarily show what a company is or does, but it should appeal to its audience. For instance, a toy company may choose brightly colored letters and a childlike font, while a lawyer might opt for something more regal.
The next step is to find a logo design company that is qualified to make a great logo design for your company. You will want to opt for someone with experience and proven success; someone who can work inside your time frame and budget; someone who is professional and communicative. After considering all these factors, I think you will find that California’s Lien Design is a clear choice for making your company a logo that is effective, relatable, identifiable and able to withstand that test of time.
Written by ©Lien Design 2017