When we think of how a company connects with their customers, there are many factors to keep in mind. While things like custom design packaging and website and logo design are both important factors, its also important to build a real connection with your customers, which may rely on more than just your brand’s general appearance. If you are working on forging a deeper relationship and loyalty with your customers, consult San Diego’s top branding and graphic design company, Lien Design.
When we think about what attracts a customer to a brand, the way a product appears to consumers may be a big part of what catches their attention, but driving loyalty goes much deeper than that. According to research, there are five attributes that customers value in a brand. These are:
· Openness
· Relevance
· Empathy
· Experience
· Emotion
These are all measured by how people feel about companies and the experience they provide. Customers tend to trust companies they feel understand and respect them. These are companies they feel have good intuition, that they think really ‘gets them’. They also appreciate an authenticity in a brand, based on seeing behaviors they believe show the brands to be direct and forthright about their values and are consistent in acting on them.
Some examples of tactics brands use to promote this kind of trust in their customers are the use of ‘real women’ or ‘real people’ campaigns that appeal to the more realistic needs of every day customers. Another good move was made by the company REI, who closed its doors on Black Friday, encouraging customers to spend the day with their families. This proved to pay off in the respect customers showed to them.
Grocery stores also tend to do well in customer loyalty testing. This may due to the fact that grocery stores offer products that are a part of customer’s every day routines, inspiring emotion, loyalty and passion. Also, because customers frequent these businesses, the vendor-customer relationships tend to be stronger.
On the flip side, technology companies may lose respect and loyalty as time goes by. This can be due to newer generations who no longer find their products relevant, in favor of new technology that is emerging. They may relate older technology to previous generations and identify more with what is being currently released.
If you are working on keeping your product relevant and building customer loyalty, the best thing you can do is communicate with your customers to be sensitive to their demands. This way, you can stay on top of current trends while building a relationship that will last. If you are looking to keep a vital connection with your customers, consult a company like California’s Lien Design. They can help you forge a strong relationship with your customers that will endure for years to come.
Written by ©2018 Lien Design