Written by ©2018 Lien Design
Marketing can be effective when a business is able to advertise their product in a fun and interactive way. And what better way to do this than by incorporating elements of game playing into the consumer experience? This strategy is known as gamification. If you are interested in using gamification in the branding design of your product, there are many ways to effectively do so, and the experts at San Diego’s Lien Design can show you how. Read on to learn some tips on how to make gamification work for you.
There are many ways to incorporate gamification into your marketing strategy. One way is to actually create interactive games that help advertise your product. These games can be available to consumers online or through downloadable apps.
Another way is through a rewards system. Customers who buy products from your company can be given a rewards card that keeps track of their purchases. Once they purchase a certain number of items, they can be rewarded with free products and services.
When creating a gamification based marketing strategy for your company, there are a number of things to be considered.
Know your audience:
Know what’s going to appeal to your target audience and create a gamification strategy that you think will interest them.
Do your Research:
Look at what other companies have done and use that as inspiration for what methods you would like to employ with your product.
Establish Incentives:
Gamification will be more effective if consumers feel as if they will be rewarded in some way. While creating incentives in your marketing, look at what other companies have done in the past. If you are still at a loss, ask your customers what they would like to receive from you.
Keep it Simple:
Don’t create a game that is too complicated for people to use. You want to appeal to consumers with short attention spans and make something that will easily engage them yet still give them enough of a challenge to keep coming back. Market research and focus groups are great ways to test how consumers are going to react.
Set Deadlines:
When creating a gamification strategy, it is important to set goals to make sure the game is available by a certain date and does not exceed budget. You may want to think about calling in gamification experts who can launch your campaign efficiently.
Set Goals:
Think of a time when you want to test the effectiveness of your gamification strategy. See how often the game is being played and whether you think it’s increasing your customer’s interest in your product. You can decide at that point whether you want to continue with your gamification strategy or make alterations.
Gamification can be an effective way for you to draw customers in and raise awareness for new products. If you decide to use this tool in your marketing campaign, consult California’s Lien Design to make sure your methods are as effective as possible. Then find out what they can do for you when it comes to graphic design labels. No matter what you chose to do in your marketing campaign, they are there to help your company succeed.