These days, tamper-proofing is more critical than ever. In pandemic times, people want to know that no one has touched their packaging before they did, much less tried to open it.
There are many ways you can tamper-proof your items so they will appeal to current sensibilities. Here are some suggestions.
1) Shrink Bands
Not to be confused with shrink wrap, shrink bands appear at the top of a container. They are usually perforated making them easy to remove. They are typically found on medicines and health aids, but they may also be used on some food items. A broken shrink band is a sure sign your product has been tampered with.
2) Over Wrap
Overwrap is a type of wrap that seals the entire product. One example is the cellophane covering on a pack of cigarettes. It ensures sanitation and protection, and amazing label graphics can be added to enhance the branding.
Overwrap is not to be confused with shrink wrap. Shrinkwrap is a plastic that shrinks to fit around the package when heat is applied. Overwrap is wrapped around the product and the flaps of the plastic are tucked in by a machine.
3) Lidding Films
The most common example of a lidding film may be the kind that peels off a container of yogurt before the yogurt is eaten. It comes in various materials including plastic, metal and other bio-based elements. It ensures freshness and will show signs of tampering that may have occurred.
4) Resealable Tear Away Lids
Tear-away resealable lids are used on everything from cookies to snacks to medicines and more. They can be resealed after they are initially opened which is a great way to ensure freshness. And if they were tampered with before being purchased, consumers will be able to tell right away.
5) Induction Seals
Induction seals are made of thermoplastic materials and are often found on the lids of products. The seal is pulled off before the product is used.
They are commonly found on medications and cleaning supplies but may be used on food items as well. They keep items fresh, prevent leaking and they will alert you if a product has been tampered with.
6) Tamper Evident Tape
Tamper evident tape is used to seal boxes, crates, pallets and other types of containers. Once applied, it can not be removed without giving the appearance that the product has been tampered with. Many of the tapes will leave a message that says ‘open’ or ‘void’ if removal has been attempted.
If you are looking for a way to tamper-proof your packaging, do not hesitate to contact Lien Design, a packaging design agency in San Diego. We will provide you with an attractive way of letting your customers know your products have not been mishandled. They will be assured of optimal safety and freshness that will go a long way in promoting a positive brand image.
Call Lien Design today for great packaging design and products your customers will feel good about buying.
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