Imagine yourself on your first day in college. You walk past different people, and you notice their different clothes, hairstyles, manner of speaking, and immediately—albeit unintentionally—you start classifying them into personalities: cool, hipster, geek, trying-hard, old-fashioned, snobbish, professional, and approachable, are only some of the descriptions that come to mind. Based on these, you begin deciding who you want to be friends with....
Trends in retail packaging and product design in 2015
Trend article #1: Authenticity
Go grab five diverse items in your house; it can be a bathroom product or a food wrapper, anything will suffice. Place your five items side by side. Now, take notes on what you might see as far as font, colors, or textures. Take your time and be observant...
Logos: The New Way to Communicate
It is an era of evolution when it comes to language. Everyone across the globe is being able to communicate with one another through one common denominator: logos. Logos have become this century’s hieroglyphics, enabling everyone, no matter what denomination or age, to speak quickly and fluently with each other. From a marketing stand point, this is excellent. If a company is able to create a logo that is easily identified and unique, it has a great chance of being recognized throughout the world and used in today’s common language. The generation of...
3 simple tips for packaging design and label design
The importance of considering your target demographic is crucial for any packaging design or label design project. This is since there is a small window in which to pique a potential buyer’s interest. LIke any undertaking where you are seeking to communicate effectively, you must first consider who the audience is. If not, you risk being overlooked.
Why should you hire a design professional for your business?
No matter where you lie in the timeline of your business plans, you will cross a point where you find the need to succinctly define your product or business through aesthetics. When coming to this point you may be tempted to have a go at it yourself. After all, who would not want their own input in their product and business one hundred percent of the time? Also, you may think, "how hard could it be?" You may think you will save money....
6 Ways That Colors Affect Your Product Sales
Humans are ultra-visual creatures. That's why Lamborghini owes it's popularity to visually breathtaking auto-architecture and not new car smell. That is why people decide who to date, what food to eat and, especially, what products to buy based on looks.
1. Color Is Almost Everything
You will be stuck without a paddle up No Sales Creek if you tackle product design without a solid color game plan. Dig these statistics. Your customers believe the look of your product is a whopping 93x more important than it's sound/smell. 85% of shoppers regularly buy items based solely on color...
5 Brochure Design Mistakes to Avoid
It is no secret that the crux of any business’ success is by reaching consumers directly and effectively. This marketing can take on different shapes and forms. Among the most common means in reaching consumers is through brochure design. If executed correctly, brochures can bring more sales and inquiries from buyers.
However, brochures are not as straightforward as they seem; and if they are not carried out in the right way, then your time, your effort, and your money will be...
How to get free marketing exposure
So, you are moving forward with your plans to release your first (or perhaps next) great product. You have endured some difficult challenges and decisions thus far; not only in developing your product, but also in discovering your target audience, in the problem your product claims to fix, and in where you envisage the product to be in time...
17 Hilarious Photoshop Fails in Advertising
Photoshop is one of the most useful tools these days for graphic designers and advertising. But wow…it sure can also be the downfall of an advertisement!
Thankfully I’ve never designed something that went to print with a mistake like these. (Knock on wood!) I collected some of my favorite photoshop blunders from around the web. Enjoy!
Is it Time to Start Rebranding my Company?
Rebranding is always an option but there are a few things you must recognize before you start the process. First thing is that rebranding is always a risk. There are many variables and components that go into an effective rebranding that companies sometimes overlook and result in a negative rebrand and loss of profit. That is why before you begin the process, you need to seriously ask yourself if rebranding is the solution to your problems or is there a different way to fix your issues? If your target audience is changing then it is smart to change with them or if a competitor is stealing your clients then a rebrand might be what you need to reel them back in.
Hipster Business Name Generator
Hilarious... Hipster Business Name Generator. I recognize a lot of companies around San Diego, California that have probably used this!
Your Monday Morning Elevation 2/2/15
15 packaging fails that went horribly the best way!
As package designers we strive to design packaging that grabs your attention… but here are 15 examples of package design getting attention for all the wrong reasons!
5 Ways to Attract Consumers with Your Brochure’s Cover
While a business’ brochure may contain a plethora of information about its products or services, sometimes attracting consumers and getting them to actually care about taking a look inside of your brochure or magazine is a challenge in and of itself. But there are a few things you can do to spruce up your brochure’s cover to make sure that your consumers actually do to the meat of the wares that your company offers…
Harnessing the Power of SEO & Unique Content Marketing
Talk to any marketing professional or design agency about their job in the industry today and two terms are sure to be central to the conversation: SEO and Unique Content Marketing. It’s no secret that over the last decade there has been a drastic increase in the importance of properly utilizing the power of these two tools. In fact, many marketing agencies and graphic design firms have even created positions within their companies...