Written by Lien Design, updated ©2024
Good food packaging design will serve several purposes. It will provide an easy way to open, close and even use the product. It will protect the product and also provide the consumer with relevant information. But perhaps most importantly, it will catch the eye of the consumer to promote sales.
Color theory for buying decisions
When creating package designs for products, it is essential to note that the elements you use in your packaging will work on a psychological level to attract consumers. This article will provide some insight on the tactics you should use to appeal to customers on an emotional level.
The color you use for your product packaging will affect the way it works to attract customers. You want the colors to be eye-catching, but more than that, you want them to evoke certain emotions which may differ depending on your brand identity. For instance, red inspires passion, blue is relaxing and soothing.
According to science, the eyes influence before the taste buds. In particular, relationships between colors and customer behavior become very curious when food and drinks are concerned.
Red, which is a hot color, takes top place in this regard. Graphic design research indicates that it triggers increased arousal levels and subliminally informs us of how sweet things might be. The most common example is red ketchup as well as pizza boxes and even strawberry wrappers.
Yellow is another champion with its associations of warmth and joy. It is often used for citrus fruits such as lemons, lemonade or honey playing off our natural connection with sunshine and excitement.
Green being nature itself stands for freshness and healthiness. Therefore it becomes a favorite choice for organic products, salads or veggie meal offers that appeal to consumers’ desire for pure eating habits.
However beware! Cool colours such as blue and purple can put a break on people’s buying decisions concerning foods. They are more likely to be seen on water bottles or diet products where one may wish to reduce their appetite.
Knowing these connections of colours to psychology allows food brands to create packaging that speaks directly into the subconscious mind about what we crave. So next time you go for a brightly colored snack just remember it could be something else rather than flavor that entices you towards it.
Think of the message you want your retail packaging design to send and use a color that will communicate this message through the design.
The shape of your design will also evoke emotions and help your product to stand out. A perfect example of this is the Aunt Jemima syrup bottle. It is a takeoff on traditional syrup bottle shapes with the Aunt Jemima shape incorporated offering a sense of comfort and home while making the product stand out.
Another thing worth noting is that adding curves in your product design will make for a product that is more appealing to consumers. Straight angular lines are often perceived as threatening.
The texture of your product can also make it appealing to consumers. For instance, something with a soft, fluffy texture will make a consumer want to hold on to it longer increasing the likelihood that they will make a purchase.
It has also been shown that a beverage sold in a strong, sturdy bottle will make consumers think the product is higher quality and therefore better tasting.
The typography you use on your packaging design will affect the way customers perceive your product. An ornate font will give off an air of elegance while one that is decorative will be perfect for a product that is fun and whimsical.
Determine the message you want to send to your customer and use the typography you feel will best represent your product.
CPG brands scramble for milliseconds in crowded supermarket aisle. Typography is the unknown hero of packaging design. Here are some reasons why fonts act as silent salespersons for your product:
The king is clarity: Think about looking for your favorite cereal, but you can’t read the name because it’s written in a fancy font. Clear legible typography allows customers to immediately see what you’re offering. Nobody has time to figure out a riddle on their way to buy morning coffee.
Being different from others: A unique and well-selected font can make all the difference to your product. Picture bold playful fonts for kids’ cereals or graceful serifs for luxury chocolates. The right font captures your brand’s essence and makes it noticeable among other products around.
Telling stories: It may be hard to believe, but fonts can tell a story. For instance, a whimsical script might hint at a playful fun product while an uncluttered modern typeface implies classiness. Thus, through typography, people will perceive more about who you are as a company and what kind of client you cater to.
For that matter don’t forget in future when designing your CPG packaging that typefaces have power too. Carefully selecting the appropriate font could mean the difference between disappearing into shelves or ending up someone’s basket at checkout counter
If you are looking to reach your customers on a psychological level, you will want to use a graphic design branding agency that knows what they are doing. Located in San Diego, CA, Lien Design has years of experience in all aspects of branding including logo and packaging design, web design and more. They take the time to familiarize themselves with their clients and create packaging that is eye-catching, unique and works to boost conversions.
If you are looking for a packaging design that will take your company to the next level, consult the experts at Lien Design. They are on top of the latest trends and can provide your packaging with a look that is sure to get your product noticed.
All designs and trademarks are property of their respective companies and are being shown for educational purposes only.