Ah, the age of the internet, a brave new world where communication is so convenient…it seems like a dream for branding and advertising, an opportunity for companies to directly connect with potential consumers. However, this reach of social media has proven to be a double-edged sword for many. Ineffective branding can prove to make some brands less significant if they can not connect to consumers on a cultural level. San Diego branding and graphic design company, Lien Design understands how to connect with patrons on a cultural level and they can help your product make that valuable connection.
Packaging Design Trend of 2017
While marketing and advertising can be important, it’s also great to have a stand out item sitting on the shelves. A catchy jingle could get caught in a consumer’s head, but nothing will attract them like a great looking product that is enticing to pick up and perhaps end up purchasing. California package design and marketing company, Lien Design, understands the importance of attractive and modern packaging. They are always on top of current trends, ensuring your product will be a stand out. Here are some up and coming packaging trends for the year.
6 Mistakes Package Designers Make & How to Avoid Them
When you are trying to sell your product, branding is key. However, not every packaging graphic design is perfect and mistakes are often made. Although this could be viewed as a learning experience for the designer, it could be a potentially fatal error for business owners who may lose a substantial amount of money to common branding mistakes.
How Does Culture Affect Brand Design?
When thinking about creating design to advertise your product, culture is a major factor that comes into play. You may think that if one type of graphic design appeals to one culture, it will appeal to every culture, but the truth is, not much is universal in this world, and you need to consider that in your packaging and advertising. San Diego graphic design and branding company, Lien Design understands how to appeal to different cultures so that your product is sure to be a stand out, wherever it’s being sold.
Branding in the Age of the Internet
Branding is used to create a significant presence in the market for the purpose of attracting customers and converting them to loyal consumers. The process involved in creating an exceptional name and image for a product in the consumers' mind can be accomplished through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme among other strategies. This is why Lien Design pays serious and creative attention to branding. San Diego and California are globally competitive cities where branding means serious business. This means these are cities where business owners shouldn’t joke around with branding in order to remain relevant and compete favorably in the market place.
Lien Design knows the importance of color and how color affects buying action. This is why we pay close attention to the coloring of the packaging designs we create. Have you ever bought anything at a store, let's say in California, because it’s associated or related to your favorite color? Have you been attracted to any product because of the color used on the packaging design?
How to Protect Your Business from Trademark Infringement
Source: https://pixabay.com/en/padlock-unlocked-lock-key-gold-166882/
Planning to establish a company on your own? Cheers to that! You're probably thinking of a unique business name, a logo, and a tagline by now. You may have tons of plans for your business, and you're so excited to start all of those.
But even if you're excited with the thought of finally owning a business yourself, don't fall into the trap of infringing another company's trademark. In the United States, trademark infringement is a top priority for a certain agency called the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, also known as USPTO.
How Do Modern Technologies Influence Graphic Design?
Technology moves at the speed of light in today's world, and naturally graphic design has jumped on the same fast track. You have to wonder if graphic designers even have a chance to blink, if they do, they may be left behind. So just how much influence does technology actually have on graphic design?
The Ultimate Package Design Will Put You in the Spotlight
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-beautiful-elegant-eyewear-291762/
First impressions always last a long time. Since the product’s packaging is the very first thing you can see as a consumer, it acts like an appetizer or a first-hand impression of what the product is all about. Most consumers look at the packaging and react to it at that moment.
3 Ways to Make Branding More Accessible
Accessibility is something society has become accustomed to. We reside in a world of convenience, with smart phones, tablets, and apps. This leads up to the fact that when a consumer reaches out for something, and it's not accessible, they move on. Accessibility equals a purchase, plain and simple. Branding design need to be eye catching, but it needs to be easily accessible as well.
Branding in the age of the Internet
Todays world of advertising is nothing like it was even a couple of years ago. If you happen to be in advertising, you undoubtedly know that if you blink, you have missed something. And it may be a very important something. Ten years ago, advertisers made the assumption that they had the upper hand. MySpace, YouTube, andFacebook were all the new “wow”. It made sense for branding designers to jump on the social media bandwagon, it was like large neon arrows pointing, “go this way”.
How Color Influences Buying
Most people know what it's like to go shopping for a particular item, and end up with several items in addition, or perhaps another item in place of what they went for. So what exactly is it that prompts us to purchase a different item, or additional items? It is not likely need, it’s very likely that the product caught our eye, and the coloring of the package may have been behind that. In the concept of packaging design, the correct color is imperative.
Looking Back at 20+ Years in Web Design
Depending on your age, you may recall what it was like when you first heard the term internet, and World Wide Web. In 1990 few people considered how the internet would change the entire world, including graphic design trends. In 1990 a graphic design company was doing really well if they developed an interactive advertisement for TV. Then came this really unique and popular thing, called the World Wide Web. It caught on pretty quickly, and before long retailers began to see what the future was, and it was all www….
Brand and Logo: Significance to Law Firms and When To Change It
The brand name and the logo of your law firm do not only mean a representation of your business. It is way, way more than that. A strong and remarkable branding and logo can send a powerful message to potential clients about what you can offer (services), and of course, your company's core values.
How Package Design Influences Buying Decisions
It is interesting to observe shoppers in a supermarket. It is very noticeable that shoppers quickly reach for products that have familiar designs. They seldom take the time to even check or compare prices with the product next to it. Those familiar designs project a feeling of comfort, even a touch of euphoria. They have what they know, what they are comfortable with. A great and successful label design does more than cover the product, it reaches out and says something to the consumer.
Easier to read. Easier to understand. The FDA develops new guidelines for labeling Nutrition Facts on packaged foods and beverages for 2017
As of May 20, 2016, the FDA has implemented a new Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods. This will include new scientific information, in conjunction with the link between diet and chronic diseases, including heart disease and obesity. This new label will make it effortless for consumers to make healthier food choices.
Great Branding Needs Authenticity to Connect with People
Photo credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/arbuckles-roasted-coffees-175747
People typically comprehend a brand as a label for a particular product of an individual company. It is also a social concept that carries with it emotional and philosophical components. From the concept, there is a production of ideas and images that consumers attach to a product or service. The process of creating this image and even the name, symbol, or representation of a brand is what we call branding. Entrepreneurs and marketers are responsible for creating a brand and for influencing how people should see their business. But a brand’s impression is highly dependent on how consumers receive what marketers present to them.
10 useful tips that work to make a creative brochure design
Was there ever a brochure that made a positive impression on you upon receiving it? Various businesses have given away countless pamphlets yet most, if not all of these, are not engaging enough to grab the attention of people and to convince them to purchase the products and services offered them. These brochures either give potential customers information overload or are just plain rubbish regarding details and design. Now, unless your brochure is alluring enough that it will convince someone to check it out and read it, your content will mean nothing no matter how great it is in reality.
Source: http://www.thedielin.com/
New Nutrition Facts Food Label Changes Aim to Better Inform Consumers
After two years of fighting and resistance, America is now finally updating a tool that is commonly used by everyone; A tool that has been serving every individual and family for over twenty years. Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the new nutrition...