When you are working on marketing your product to consumers, thingslike logo and packaging design are important. But what is it that really gets consumers to buy your products? Businesses need to focus on theirbottom lines, and often that means more than an attractive package. Partnering with a great branding and graphic design company like SanDiego’s Lien Design can mean more than just getting customers to look at your product, it can mean generating sales revenue. Let’s look at some factors that can make customers bust out those wallets.
13 Amazingly Horrible Design Fails!
A hilarious look at why it's so important to hire a GOOD GRAPHIC DESIGNER!
The Role of Graphic Design in the Branding Process
Graphic design and branding are two industries that go hand in hand. If you are a business owner looking for effective packaging design, you may need graphic design for a business logo, or you may look to graphic design for a marketing materials. Whatever, the need is, graphic design is a necessary part of advertising your product. If you are looking for graphic design companies in California, Lien Design is a premier company that can help get your branding on the right track.
Trends in Bottle Packaging Design
Written by Lien Design ©2017
In the world of branding, there are many trends we want to be aware of, specifically when we are thinking about bottle packaging design. We want to consider how we advertise the product and its ingredients, as well as making an attractive label. If you are working in the beverage or beauty product industry, and are looking to design a label for a bottle, you need to consider these factors. The experts at San Diego’s package design agency, Lien Design, are aware of all the latest trends in bottle label design and can help you create a label and packaging design that will show your product to its best advantage.
How branding can fight against “Product Harm Crisis”
Written by ©2017 Lien Design
Product harm crisis is defined as a ‘highly publicized event where a product is found to be defective, contaminated or doing harm for its consumers’. This sort of publicity can do great harm to a company’s sales and turn customer’s loyalty to other brands. The best way to try and reverse the effects of product harm crisis is to rebuild consumer’s trust in the product and marketing and branding can be a very powerful tool in making this happen. Premier branding and graphic design company, Lien Design, understands how hard it can be for companies to bounce back from product harm crisis, and they can provide them with the tools for a powerful marketing strategy to overcome these situations.
The Science Behind Impulse Buying
Written by Lien Design ©2017
Impulse buying; everyone’s done it before…you go to the store focused on buying one product…and then suddenly you find yourself spending money on something you never thought you’d end up purchasing. Decisions made while impulse buying can be good or bad, but, either way, it can be an advantage for both consumers and marketers, to understand the science behind impulse buying. California graphic design and branding company, Lien Design, understands what it takes to make shoppers more likely to impulse buy, and they can help companies use that to their advantage.
Choosing Typography for the Branding of Your Product
Written by Lien Design ©2017
When you are creating your brand, every detail is crucial. From your web design to your business cards, from label design to the way you answer the phone…everything your company does will reflect the image of your brand and can have a positive or negative impact on how it is perceived by consumers. Typography is one of these details, and whether it’s being used on a label, in a print ad or on a web site, you need to understand what will work best in promoting your brand. San Diego’s premier graphic design and branding company, Lien Design, can help your company represent itself in its best light, no matter what aspect of marketing you are dealing with. Here are some tips business owners should be aware of when it comes to the typography they are utilizing.
Lifestyle Branding: Is it A Good Move for Your Company?
Written by Lien Design ©2017
Lifestyle branding is defined as ‘a company that markets its products or services to embody the interests, attitudes and opinions of a group or culture’. Lifestyle branding can be a successful way to market but, without a successful marketing team behind you, it can also hurt a company. If lifestyle branding is a direction you are interested in taking your company in, California branding and graphic design company, Lien Design, can familiarize you with the risks you are taking and help you launch a successful lifestyle brand.
How to Communicate Quality in Branding
Written by Lien Design ©2017
In today’s competitive market, everyone is looking for a quality product at an affordable price. But it is difficult to convey how good your product is to consumers as they judge it by its appearance on a shelf or in an ad. It’s not enough to simply say that you have a quality product design and expect customers to believe it. California graphic design and branding company, Lien Design, knows how to communicate the quality of a product based on its branding. Here are some essential ways to let customers know that your product is one they can trust.
Make Your Product Stand Out With Brand Positioning
Written by Lien Design ©2017
Brand positioning is the process of positioning your brand in the mind of your customers; how you want them to define your brand. This is key in the early stages of developing your product, as it will establish your product’s identity and the way it is perceived. California branding and design company, Lien Design understands the many facets of brand positioning and they can help give your product a relatable and unique identity.
Finding A Great Brand Name for Your Product
Written by Lien Design ©2017
What’s in a name? This may be a rhetorical question for many people, but when it comes to finding the name for your business, company or product, the answers to this question are endless. The name of your brand will be the number one contact point for customers in how they perceive your brand, and establish its identity in their minds. There are many things to consider when trying to come up with a perfect name for your product. The experts at San Diego graphic design and branding company Lien Design can help you on your way to coming up with a great brand name.
Thought Leadership in The Branding Process
Thought leadership…
...sounds interesting, but what exactly is it? Well, the internet defines it as an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field, one whose expertise is sought and often rewarded. It goes on to say that thought leadership can be used to increase demand for a product or service. Sounds interesting… but perhaps easier said than done. Well, there is a process to becoming a thought leader and San Diego graphic design and branding company, Lien Design can help you to achieve this goal. Read on to find out how you can attain the title of thought leader in your field.
How to Win Customers with Your Company’s Visual Identity
Creating a visual identity for your company can be fun, but it can also be challenging. Your company’s visual identity can be key in bringing customers to your site, and keeping them there. It involves many components that can work on a physical and emotional level. To make sure you are building an optimal visual identity for your product, you may want to consult experts like San Diego’s branding and graphic company Lien Design. Here are some tips about how to make your company stand out to most consumers.
Package Design Trends For 2017
When we think of making a product that really stands out on the shelf, we have to think of an eye-catching label, stunning color schemes and a terrific package design. There has been an emphasis on unusual package designs in recent years that has resulted in some great trends that you might want to consider when thinking about the packaging for your product. Keeping budget and the competition in mind, it may be a good idea to consult experts like San Diego’s Lien Design. Lien Design is on top of the latest trends in packaging design, and they are sure to make your products catch shopper’s attention.
Innovative Packaging Designs for 2017
Packaging design plays a key role in the branding of products. An attractive and/or practical package design can make a product stand out on a shelf and increase its appeal to consumers. But packaging design is something that evolves throughout the years and can be a sign of changing times. San Diego’s branding and graphic design company, Lien Design, is on top of the latest packaging design innovations and they know what it takes to make your product shine. Here are some packaging design trends that seem to be dominating the market for 2017.
How to Create An Effective Logo Design
What is a logo? A logo is more than an interesting design that incorporates your brand or company name. It is the first, foremost and most recognizable part of your company’s identity. That is why it is so important to create a logo design that represents you in the best way possible. And once your company determines what its logo design will be, you want to stay consistent. That’s why it’s important your logo is done right from the very beginning. San Diego graphic design and branding company Lien Design understands the importance of creating a great logo that will ensure your company has a relatable and unique identity.
Defying International Boundaries in Branding
The world is getting smaller and there is a demand for mass appeal in the way products are distributed globally. There is an increased opportunity for brands and retailers to widen their customer base to an international market, but they need the right branding to go along with it. If you are a company that is considering expansion into an international market, you need a graphic design and branding team that understands how to appeal to consumers both in the U.S. and overseas. San Diego’s Lien Design can help you achieve that goal providing an innate understanding of global marketing that can help you grow your company.
Branding and Marketing: The Best Way to Appeal to Different Cultures
The world is becoming more culturally diverse as time goes on and there is a need to speak to that in branding and marketing terms. However, many companies make mistakes when attempting to do this, thinking more about demographics than demand. To keep your business successful, you need a company that understands how to appeal to the masses. San Diego graphic design and branding company Lien Design understands how best to reach out to your target audience regardless of cultural background. Read on to find out more about how to show your product in it’s best light.
How Can Graphic Design Change a Company’s Identity?
Wow! Can graphic design really change a company’s identity? Well, when we consider how graphics can come into play in logo design and advertising, it sure can...and that’s huge! When you think about it in these terms, you want to make sure you are leaving the graphic design responsibilities in the hands of a company that really knows what they are doing. San Diego packaging design and branding company Lien Design has a vast knowledge of graphic design and knows how to implement in such a way that it can change your company’s identity for the better. But, before we discuss that, let’s look at the ways in which graphic design can help develop your company image.
Tobacco and Alcohol Branding: Ethical or Unethical?
For years, drugs and alcohol advertising has been the source of great controversy. There is no doubt that both drugs and alcohol can have negative effects on people and teens in particular. However, whether advertising is contributing to the use of alcohol and tobacco in a harmful matter is perhaps the most controversial part of the discussion. San Diego package design company and branding consultant, Lien Design, is well aware of the possible consequences of alcohol and tobacco design and marketing and can share some findings with you.